Shiitake 3782 (Lentinula edodes)

Shiitake 3782 Lentinula Edodes Pegler

The Japanese medicinal mushroom Letinula edodes Pegler is rich in protein that inhibits the human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1). It has been shown to prevent the proliferation of leukemia cells and have immunomodulatory properties. This Berkonian mushroom is also rich in antioxidants and antifungal protein. In addition, it has a unique antifungal and anti-inflammatory compound.

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Liquid culture

You can find Shiitake 3782 Lentinulea edodes culture in 12 cc on the desertcart. The site provides the largest selection of products from all over the world. It ships to 164 countries. The desertcart Plus shipping plan is a good deal if you live in one of those countries.

The 3782 strain of Shiitake is a slow-growing type that produces a high yield of small fruiting bodies. It grows well on hardwood substrates and fruits at temperatures of 16-18 deg C. It can take up to three weeks to make liquid culture syrup from this strain. Liquid culture is made by growing the mycelial culture in a sterile solution, usually water or basic sugars. It is a good method for innoculating bags, grain jars, and PF Tek jars.

This mushroom cultivar produces thin-stemmed, whitish-white mushrooms under cool conditions. Unlike other strains, this variety is known for its high-quality genetics. Liquid cultures are more uniform and quicker to grow than spore syringes, and are guaranteed to be contaminate-free. A liquid culture can last up to two years when stored properly.

The shiitake mushroom is a gourmet variety that is well-known for its many health benefits. It is an excellent source of antioxidants and has the potential to help fight disease. It is also good for your cholesterol levels. It has been grown for centuries in Asia and has a rich, meaty flavor. You can even fry it for a tasty treat!


Check Out Our Shiitake 3782 Mushroom Spawn 



Shiitake 3782 is a strain of shiitake that produces thin-stemmed mushrooms under cool conditions. It is a relatively aggressive strain that can colonize a variety of substrates, including pasteurized materials. The spawn can be used to inoculate as much as 200 g of substrate per gram of mycelium.

The mycelium of shiitake mushrooms contains several bioactive compounds, including polysaccharide-rich fractions that have shown anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. One such compound, Lentinan, is a beta-1,3-glucan that inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma and hepatitis.

Shiitake mushrooms are widely used in cooking, and their versatility has made them popular all over the world. Its growth is favored by cool conditions (usually around 18deg C) and higher humidity during early pinning stages. While it prefers cold temperatures, it has been domesticated for cultivation in warmer climates. Colder growing conditions may lead to smaller fruits, while warmer climates may result in larger, more fibrous fruits.


The scientific name of the Shiitake Mushroom is Lentinula edodens, and it is grown throughout East Asia. The name comes from the word ‘take,’ which refers to the mushroom itself. The mushroom is popular for its texture and rich flavor, and is the second most commonly cultivated edible mushroom in the world. These mushrooms typically appear between flushes, with the ripening period lasting 4-5 months.

Shiitake 3782 Lentinulla edodes is an edible and medicinal mushroom. This mushroom is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have studied the fruiting bodies of this mushroom to assess whether they can reduce inflammation in the body. In addition to the mushroom’s anti-inflammatory effects, the mushroom has a high-content of copper, zinc, and selenium, which can be beneficial to human health.

Shiitake mushroom is an ancient food and medicinal mushroom. It is high in protein and fiber, and it contains significant amounts of B vitamins and minerals. It also contains multiple bioactive metabolites, including lentinan, a b-(1-3)-glucan with immunomodulatory properties. In addition, it is a high-fiber food and is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients.


Antifungal protein

An antifungal protein isolated from the Japanese medicinal mushroom Shiitake 3782 has been reported to inhibit human immunodeficiency virus-1 reverse transcriptase. This antifungal substance also inhibits leukemia cell proliferation. In addition, this mushroom is a natural immunomodulator.

The antifungal activity of Shiitake mushroom extract was tested against a panel of pathogenic microorganisms. The extract inhibited approximately 50% of the yeast and mould species tested. It compared favorably to the positive control, ciprofloxacin, and the negative control, oyster mushroom.

This mushroom’s antifungal activity was demonstrated in a small-scale study. The findings indicate the potential for therapeutic use, but further work is required to identify and characterize the active compounds. Furthermore, suitable pharmaceutical delivery systems need to be developed so that concentrated extracts can be produced. The raw material should not be consumed in a raw form, as this could promote further bacterial resistance.


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Size of fruit

The Shiitake mushroom is a type of edible mushroom that is used to make a variety of delicacies. This species, which contributes up to 22% of the global production, transforms lignocellulosic waste into high-protein foods. It has a life cycle that is similar to that of other basidiomycetes. It produces typical pileate-stipitate fruiting bodies and has been used as a model organism in many studies.

The fruiting stage of the Shiitake mushroom is an important stage in the mushroom’s life cycle. It starts by forming blocks, which are filled with mycelium. The mycelium is usually thin in certain areas and thick in others. Once fully colonized, the mushrooms enter a phase called the consolidation phase. Unlike other mushrooms, the Shiitake doesn’t get bothered by high levels of CO2, and the temperatures are always less than 20 degrees Celsius.

The shiitake fruit can be of varying size, but the bigger the fruit, the higher the yield. Although larger fruits are more plentiful, the quality of the mushroom will be reduced. Their cap has a thinner flesh than the smaller ones, making them more susceptible to damage when being handled. They won’t keep as long in the refrigerator. Eventually, they’ll flatten completely and drop their spores.

Interestingly, the shiitake fruit has multiple genes controlling the shape of its pilus. These genes are often linked together, but they are not necessarily related. QTL mapping can be an effective tool in selecting and breeding new strains.


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