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what temp does reishi fruit at

what temp does reishi fruit at

Title: Reishi Mushroom Temperature: Optimal Growing Conditions for Fruiting

Reishi mushrooms, scientifically known as Ganoderma lucidum, are highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine for their potential health benefits. Cultivating these medicinal mushrooms requires careful attention to temperature as it plays a crucial role in the fruiting process. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the suitable temperature range for reishi mushroom fruiting and explore the optimal growing conditions to maximize crop yields.

Section 1: Understanding Reishi Mushroom Fruiting

Fruiting in reishi mushrooms refers to the formation and development of the mushroom’s fruiting bodies called basidiocarps, which house the reproductive structures. Typically grown on hardwood logs or wood-based substrates, reishi mushrooms require an environment that closely mimics the conditions found in the wild to thrive. Temperature is a key factor in determining the success of reishi mushroom fruiting.

Section 2: Optimal Reishi Mushroom Growing Temperature

To achieve optimal fruiting, the temperature range for reishi mushrooms should be maintained between 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit (24-29 degrees Celsius). Within this range, reishi mushrooms develop the highest quality and quantity of fruiting bodies. Although minor temperature variations may still yield viable results, it is ideal to stay within this range to ensure consistent and successful cultivation. Achieving this can be done by controlling the temperature in a growing environment, whether it is indoors or in a climate-controlled greenhouse.

Section 3: Temperature Requirements for Different Growth Stages

Understanding the temperature requirements at specific growth stages is crucial for successful reishi mushroom cultivation. Let’s take a closer look at the temperature conditions for each stage:

1. Mycelium Colonization: During this stage, reishi mycelium thrives in temperatures ranging from 68-77 degrees Fahrenheit (20-25 degrees Celsius). It is important to maintain this temperature range as the mycelium spreads through the substrate, establishing a healthy network.

2. Primordia Formation: Primordia, the tiny premature fruiting bodies, emerge from the mycelium. To induce their development, maintaining temperatures between 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit (24-29 degrees Celsius) is crucial. Adequate humidity and air circulation further support this stage.

3. Fruiting Body Maturation: Once primordia form, it is recommended to maintain a slightly lower temperature of around 68-77 degrees Fahrenheit (20-25 degrees Celsius) with higher humidity levels. This environment encourages the maturation of the fruiting bodies, ensuring their optimal growth and development.

Section 4: Other Essential Conditions for Reishi Mushroom Fruiting

While temperature is a vital factor, it should be combined with other key conditions to achieve optimal fruiting:

1. Light: Reishi mushrooms prefer indirect or low light conditions. Exposure to direct sunlight can hinder their growth and affect the quality of the fruiting bodies. Providing a shaded environment is essential.

2. Humidity: Maintaining relative humidity levels between 80-90% is crucial for promoting fruiting. This can be achieved by using a humidifier, fogging system, or misting to create the required humidity levels.

3. Air Circulation: Proper airflow is necessary to ensure an adequate supply of fresh air and prevent the buildup of carbon dioxide. Fans or natural ventilation methods can be utilized to circulate air within the growing area.


In conclusion, reishi mushrooms require specific temperature ranges for successful fruiting. By ensuring a temperature of 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit (24-29 degrees Celsius) during primordia formation and a slightly lower temperature of 68-77 degrees Fahrenheit (20-25 degrees Celsius) for fruiting body maturation, growers can optimize their cultivation efforts. Additionally, providing optimal conditions such as indirect light, high humidity, and proper air circulation enhances the fruiting process even further. By understanding and implementing these temperature and environmental requirements, cultivators can yield high-quality reishi mushrooms with preserved health benefits intact.